Karmaloop LLCElf Cosmetics
Thursday Fav. Fab, & Cheap!

First of all, just in case you haven't glance at a calendar, today is the beginning of a new month. Therefore, the posts from May have now set up shop in the archives room!

Now, back to business! I had a hard time deciding what today's post would be about. I was torn between Chapstick and Carmex. The both of them are great and inexspensive, so I decided to  put them both on the soap box with me!

 I have already given ya'll my praise of Carmex, but one thing that I love about it is that its always under a buck and two quarters. I also notice that the price printed on the jar itself went up a dime, but still a good price. Although it is meant for the lips, I also tend to use it as a cuticle cream. It works just as well!

The beauty of chapstick is that you can never have to many. It is also such a compulsive buy and I think that is why the people over at Kroger put it right next Lucky magazine and chocolate; my two weaknesses!  One thing that Chapstick seems to offer me that Carmex doesn't is the ability to add a little natural color to my lips. The strawberry flavor chapstick is perfect, topped with a light pink or clear gloss. That was one of my first make-up discoveries I made in junior high. Boy, have I made more discoveries since then, but that is for different posts altogether!

Stay Stylish!

Posted on Jun 1 2006 5:43 pm UTC by samida
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