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Help Wanted!

I was all ready to add a post, when my crappy laptop decided to freeze. Therefore, I decided that I would forget about the fab and cheap post and continue on with another post. By the time you read this post, it would have been saved a few hundred times. Moving On!

My closet and I have been feening and briefly seeking a pair of cute summer stilts. We took inventory and noticed that we have a opening up front next to a pair of cherry print espadrilles. We are looking for something colorful, trendy, versatile, and willing to work for under 200 bucks! We are an Equal Opportunity Wardrobe!

We have had a few applicants that are prime candidates, but refuse to make a decision before next Friday.

Our first applicant is Mary Kate and she is from the beautiful and spacious land of Nine West. She looks like I could get alot of good work out of her in bars, clubs, and interviews/meetings. Plus, she is willing to work for under $80. She could be a great hire!

The next potential candidate goes by the name of Bling from Hype. I am not sure about her, but there is something that still puts her in the running. She is not very verasatile or colorful, but she is very stylish and has the right look to work up front. She is a little costly though for $130. We'll see!

The next candidate is Ambush and she is a product of Franco Sarto. She is very versatile and I am willing to work a white shoe, even after Labor Day! She looks very work appropriate in the summer and I might be able to have a cocktail with her after work. Plus, she is willing to work for around $90. Right up my alley! I might even be able to hire her black or brown counterpart.

The final candidate is quite pretty and fierce. As soon as I saw her I was automatically jealous of all the other people who have had the opportunity to work her in the past. She is so fierce that she doesn't even go by a name, just a description by Etro. She is very colorful, versatile, and stylish! Her downfall is the amount that she is asking for; $237! She is worth it, but I am not sure if I am willing to put up that kind of money when I am not sure how well we will work together.

Oh, how I do not envy hiring managers now! Although we have some prime candidates, we are still looking. If you and your closet are looking to fill a vacancy on the ground floor, then feel free to click on the names of some of my candidates to check out their qualifications.

Stay Stylish!


Posted on Jun 2 2006 3:08 pm UTC by samida
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