Karmaloop LLCElf Cosmetics
Make-up and Beauty Marketing

One of the first things to get your line notice in the beauty market is a pretty and attractive packaging.

Marketing execs know that the pretty, powdered, and primped packages always get swiped up quicker than the packages with the pretty lady on the cover. I, for one, totally agree with them! I would rather have the dolled up house with the lovely products weighing them down than that basic looking bottle with nothing but a title and ingredients adorning it.

Even stores like Sephora and Beauty.com follow in line with these make-up marketing methods. When you go to these companies websites, you will notice that the products on the first page are either well established brands and/or fairly new products, but with pretty packaging.

Even if the product is not that good or is not right for you, that bright yellow lemon on the bottle or the fluffy pink brush will always make a woman somewhere reach in her equally cute bag and grab the monetary value of that product. I speak firsthand! If it wasn't for my little sister starting to experiment with make-up, I would have a wastepaper basket full of useless make-up.

If you don't agree with me, then can you honestly say that you would pick up a blush that comes in a brown and black box looking compact over a equally good blush that comes in a sparkly light blue compact! Yeah, right! You don't pick your clothes and accessories out that way, so why would you pick you make-up out that way.

They say don't judge a book by its cover, but lucky make-up doesn't fall under that ugly umbrella!

Stay Stylish!

Posted on Jun 4 2006 7:46 pm UTC by samida
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