Karmaloop LLCElf Cosmetics
Another Brow Buddy!

Sweat is as much a staple in the summer as swimsuits and heat strokes. When those beads of sweat decide to move from your hairline, one of the first places they roll through are those perfectly made-up eyebrows that you spent minutes perfecting. Then, in a different part of your face, they roll to your lip area and make a mess there!

The thing about make-up is you don't want to look like you have alot on, if any. One giveaway is the look of sweat smeared brows, liners, and lipstick. If you hate that as much as me, then Benefit has a product that you should look into. Its called She Laq and it is a wonderful sealant that I found in a box in the back of my closet. Oh, I occasionally buy things and forget about them, but that is neither or there!

This sealant comes with four cute little brushes for you brows, liners, and lips. You just slide on a nice thin coat over the product(liners, lipsticks, and/or brow pows) that like to smear and allow to dry. The smell is not that great or bad, but your make-up masterpiece is sealed for the day.

The only downside is that you need a good make-up remover or face cleanser to remove it, which should have been a given considering its stops sweat from ruining your made up visage! I have been using it since Sunday and I am still happy, better yet thrilled about the results! Definitely worth scrapping you wallet for!

Stay Stylish!

Posted on Jun 7 2006 8:56 pm UTC by samida
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