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"What's in my bag!"

As I have said in previous posts, I am a big bag fiend, but there is a method to my purse philosophy: The bigger the bag, the more crap I can stuff in it. Other than a bulging make-up bag( I'll post what's in there tommorrow), here is the other crap taking up seasonal residency in my bag.

Tissue. This is an essential bag accessory in the summer, especially here in Memphis. The heat from the sun bounces off that Missisippi River and produces some of the most intense heat on this side of the river. When I feel that sweat starting to roll toward my perfectly manicured eyebrows, I snatch a piece of tissue out of my purse and get to dabbing! Another beauty tragedy stopped before any damage can be done!

Travel size perfume. I am a big peeve about scents in the summer. I always think that the humid heat vaporizes even the most exspensive of perfumes, but I'm sure I'm wrong. Someone who works in the perfume business once told me that if you can smell the perfume on you, then more than likely its not that good. After my personal evaluation, I agree. Also, that is why I am always conscience about the way I smell, because I can't smell it on me. Currently, a small little bottle of Vera Wang's Cherish can be found in the bottom of my big bag du joir.

Gum/mints. Last thing I want to smell is bad breath from other people, let alone my own. Everyone needs to keep something to refresh their breath within reach. My dad keeps Carefree gum in his glove department,I guess that is were I got this from. Thanx,daddy! If you search around in my bag, you will find Sour Apple Altoid

Small bottle of SPF. My mom is an advocate for the protection of one's skin in the summer and she is always making sure that there is enough SPF within reach of all of her loved ones. She is the reason I am so addicted to applying sunscreen at least two times a day, even when I am not out in the sun for a long period of time. I asked her that the next time she brings me some more SPF, make sure that it is the spray on, no rub kind that Coopertone now makes. I gotta try that!

Small container of lotion. For some strange reason, everytime I go somewhere that is important, my hands dry up quicker than my bank account. The first time I noticed that was in an interview as I was writing in front of the person I was interviewing for a story and I felt so embarrassed. Lesson learned! Since then, I dare you to ever see me with dry hands, go ahead and try and be prepared to fail!

PalmPilot. I do not own a cell phone, but I have a hard time remembering numbers and that is where the Palm Pilot comes into play. Also, the notepad option is a dream come true when I am in a rush and I come up with a post, article, or graphic idea. I scribble it down and go! My Palm Pilot is a little old now, but as long as it continues to do what I need it to do, then I am more than pleased.

Nail File. My nails are not that long, but there is enough to snag on fabric occasionally or break here and there. I don't use it often, but in the past I found myself needing a file without one in sight. Better safe than sorry!

Fabric Covered Elastic Bands. I needs these for those days I dare to wear my hair hanging down. When I do this, within two hours, my hair ends up in a nice ponytail/bun. I can only tolerate hair around my ears for a certain length of time. Sometimes, I don't know why I even try!

Two or three bobby pins. This kind of goes with the ponytail. I use them to hold back the strays that blow up when I least want them to. I swear on my only Fendi bag, it always happens!

Last, but defintely not least!

Big, Plastic framed sunglasses! I love my shades! They are tortoise with oval/square lens. I can't get enough of them. Not only do they make me look incognito, but protects my eyes from those demonic UV ray!

Well, that is what makes my shoulder hurt and wrinkles up my oxford shirt when I am toting my bag on my arm.

Although it seems like a lot, there are some honorable mentions such as a small notebook and which ever current book I am trying to finish before the summer is up.

The only thing that makes me feel better is the fact that I am positive that I am not the only one who fills their bag to capacity, am I?

Stay Stylish!


Posted on Jun 16 2006 6:16 pm UTC by samida
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