Karmaloop LLCElf Cosmetics

For the past week, I have been waking up with some MAJOR cuts on my forehead. I seriously thought something was "wrong" with me, but my little sister of all people made me realize that I have been accidently scratching myself in my sleep.  Wow, am I 26 years old or 26 months old?! The next question: What to do to heal my skin in a healthy way while still being able to maintain my make-up addiction? Enter, Philosophy Save Me Night Treatments.

Over the past three nights, I have been applying this magical little solution to my face and over night my skin has been healing and glowing like crazy. Save Me is infused with enough Vitamin C, peptides, retinol, and antioxidants to smack almost any flaw off your face. I will admit that I didn't have to drop any money on this myself, but knowing what I now know it is definitely worth the $60. I wish I had this last week when I was sick as a dog and it showed all over my face! Medicine for the face. Lovely!




Stay Stylish!

Posted on Oct 5 2007 7:50 pm UTC by samida
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