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Swooning for...Headphone Necklace

Have you ever seen an everyday item that you have seen numerous times before, but this one time you think of a new way you wish you could see it. Well, just last week, I my brother walked in, like millions of times before, with his earphones hanging around his neck. However, for some strange reason, this time I thought that they would look hot if they were gold. So, when you wear them around your neck, they would look like jewelry from a distance.

I just knew that someone out there on this green planet had that same visual and actually made it into reality, but I didn't drop everything and look into it. So, today, I am doing my usual surfing-the-internet-to-avoid-falling-asleep-at-my-desk and stumbled across these handmade headphone necklaces at fredflare.com.

Each necklace is handmade and cast in solid silver or goldplated gold. Plus, they are absolutely fly! I want the gold ones...since that's what I invisioned.

Stay Stylish!

Posted on Aug 22 2008 8:54 pm UTC by samida
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