Karmaloop LLCElf Cosmetics
Outerwear of the Day...Hooded Peacoat

My little sister is on a the hunt for a new coat this year. She has been on the fence if she wants a pea coat or a shorter bomber style coat or hooded or fur trimmed. Homegirl wants it all, but can't seem to find it all. Well, here is where I get to use my "Big Sis to the Rescue" theme music.

This Logan Hooded Peacoat is right up her alley. Since its a peacot, it can go from school to the party to church. Its not too long and would look great with her school uniform and her fav jean look. Plus, it helps mi madre because its affordable and that fur it detachable. My mom hate fur trimmed anything! I love it, myself!

Stay Stylish!

Posted on Oct 22 2008 5:43 pm UTC by samida
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