Karmaloop LLCElf Cosmetics
That gift I didn't know I wanted '08!

It never fails, every year I always get most of the things I want. It would be all, but I guess Santa can't get everyone a BMW and a lifetime upgrade of cell phones and tech toys for a discount. I digress.

Along with the things I want, there are always safe bets gifts such as scarves, make-up, and misc. things that I love just becuase. Well, out of those misc things, there is always one gem that I didn't want or know about until it was unwrapped and explained to me. This year that gift for me was Sephora's Illuminating Tweezers. I have heard of them, but thought they were nothing but some tweezers with a small flashlight built-in and would add nothing but a portable light to help you navigate through a big crowded bag. I was sooooo wrong. These tweezers are my new best friend.

I am huge fan of tweezing. All the nerves around my eyes are damn near gone, so there is no pain. I have a huge problem with thin strays and this little genius gadget not only points out all those fl-awful follicles with a subtle but poweful, but they remove them with ease and no pain thanks to some of the best tweezers I have ever! Oh, so grateful for these. I broke them out last and I am still in awe as I sit here with perfectly spad brows. You all should definitely get a pair!

Stay Stylish!

Posted on Dec 26 2008 6:24 pm UTC by samida
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