One of the things I’ve been embracing more of is no-make-up days. Yes, bad skin prone/ make-up addicted me has been daringly going out in public without a drop of make-up. Well, maybe a few swipes of mascara, but that’s almost a daily necessity as brushing my teeth.
Anyway, the only times I feel super confident to go out bare face is when I feel and know that my skin has been properly cleansed, toned, moisturized, and treated (if need). Pretty much, detoxed to the fullest. So, I got instantly anxious to whip out my card and order this Skin Cleanse Volume 2 (There’s a Volume 1?) from Sephora.
This sample collection includes nine of Sephora’s best products for you to get fresh, clean, and perfect skin and includes exfoliators, masks, mattifier, peels, cleanser, eye gel, BB cream, and pore refiner. Everything, plus it’s only $45.
Stay Stylish!