Essential Skin Care Tips After Waxing | STAINED COUTURE
Waxing is a semi-permanent method of hair removal. The results of waxing can last up to eight weeks, which is why many people prefer it over other hair removal methods. However, in order for you to get the best results from waxing, you will have to take good care of your skin. Below are some essential after waxing skin care tips: Apply lotion after getting your wax Lotion can help soothe the skin and alleviate any pain or burning. There are a number of lotions available on the market today, but the best ones contain Aloe or Lavender. You may also want to consider asking a salon technician about lotions that he/she recommends. Avoid direct heat or sunlight You will want to make sure that you avoid exposing your skin to the sun at least 48 hours after getting a wax. Newly waxed areas are more prone to sunburn. You are also more likely to develop hyper-pigmentation if you expose your skin to the sun. You should avoid using sunscreen because it has chemicals that can irritate your skin. You also want to make sure that you avoid getting into a hot tub for at least 48 hours after getting a wax. Not only does the heat damage the treated area, but the bacteria from the hot tub can cause an infection. Hot baths or showers should also be avoided. You should take a bath in cool water because it will prevent irritation. Do not wear tight clothing You should not wear tight clothing after getting a wax. The tight clothing can irritate your skin and cause ingrown hairs. Tight clothing also traps sweat onto the waxed area. Exfoliate Exfoliating is the process of removing dead skin cells. You will need to exfoliate after your wax, but you should wait at least 48 hours. Your skin will be very sensitive and exfoliating can cause further irritation. When you do exfoliate, make sure that you avoid using products that contain harsh chemicals. Avoid touching the waxed area Again, the newly waxed area will be very sensitive. That is why you want to make sure that you do not rub it. Additionally, when you constantly touch the waxed area, you put dirt, oil and other types of debris in your skin. Apply a cold compress If you have pain or burning around the waxed area, you should apply a cold compress. A cold compress will immediately relieve the discomfort. Authors Biography: Monica Dwyer is an experienced blogger and content writer specializing in the area of health and beauty. She has written this article on behalf of who offer laser hair removal and waxing services in Dublin, Ireland.