Hunter Lapins Rain Boots | STAINED COUTURE
I don't know about you all, but as soon as there is a slight breeze in the air and a little dip in the temperature, I race to closet yelling in my mind "It's boot season!" while knocking shoe boxes holding all those sandals that I'm over wearing a grabbing all the boots I can find. As usual, it's a little premature and by the next day i'm back to wearing flip flops to run errands. Either way, I seriously can't wait for the weather to get low and stay there. I'm so amp for boot season that I've already begun to stalk the boot section of some of my favorite online haunts and that's where I stumbled upon these amazing Hunter rain boots. I've never been too fond of heeled rain boots, because it just seems a little dangerous to be wearing any sort of height on wet and slippery terrain. However, these Hunter Lapins boots have a pretty rugged looking sole and heel. I love the military look of the boot and the three color options are fabulous! Although you can never go wrong with black and the olive green in almost a touch of perfection for the overall look of the shoe, my eyes and heart are fawning over the nubuck color called "Spice". Do you like? Do you want? Stay Stylish