Loading Up…SensiClear


We all have things items we load up on beit beauty products, home goods, or even things like  your favorite chips, because you never know when you might run out or how long it will take to get it again.
So, I have decided to start a new category titled “Load Up”, which I will inform you on things that I load up on.
The first thing I will dish about loading up on is SensiClear acne kit.
I posted my review on this awhile ago, but I have really become addicted to the whole kit to the point that I just ordered 2 60-day kits a couple of weeks ago. The SensiClear kit works for me, because since my first full face of acne in my early teens, I’ve always thought I just had acne ridden skin. However, I have come to realize that I have sensitive skin and when I use all these products that loaded with strong acne fighting chemicals, its just causes my skin to dry up and breakout. Not a good look.
I guess the reason that SensiClear works for me is because it has acne fighting ingredients, but they are gentle enough for sensitive skin that might get a touch of acne here and there.
I swoon this stuff!
Unfortunately, you can only purchase it at Duane Reade or through the SensiClear website. Since there is no Duane Reade in Memphis, I have to get mine through the SensiClear website. Actually, I’m thinking about buying a couple to use as stocking stuffers for my little sisters and my brother’s girlfriend! Just an idea.
Stay Stylish!

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