It's so hot and I'm all about trying to be casually cute. You know, nothing too frilly and overdone. I'm into simple pieces styled with fun, yet chic accessories and minimal makeup, which is pretty much the same as last month. So... MCM 3 Fold Wallet, $315, ShopBop - I've been eyeing this wallet for a few weeks now and I think this is the month that I'm finally going to bite the bullet, because this old wallet I have is peeling and I need a new "grown up" wallet that has a fun edge and this MCM fits the bill and dollar bills. Sorry for the lame joke. Benefit They're Real! Push-Up Liner, $24, Sephora - A gel liner pen?! Oh, this sounds like something I needed...say...last year! I need to try this ASAP! RAINBOW Gladiator Sandal, $110, TopShop - I haven't wanted a pair of white gladiator style sandal since I was in junior high when neon floral prints and thigh highs were in and Clueless was fashion blueprint. Yet, I've been craving a pair like these I spotted on TopShop's website. Simple, yet versatile. Alice & You Pleated Skater Skirt, $47.64, - I feel like I need this skirt from Asos Curve line more than I want it. Plus, a navy skater skirt? Why don't I already have one in my closet? That needs to end soon. Classic Chuck Taylor, $50, Converse - It's summer time and I need a new pair. Everyone needs a new pair, every year. Stay Stylish!