Make Peace With Your Place


For the past few years, after reaching another birthday, I start to re-examine my place. When I say place, I don’t mean my home, although I do partake in a little tidying up and cleaning out some things. However, in this case, place meaning the current moment of my living and the people and situations that I allow in my life.

I spent part of my birthday weekend attending a Women’s Conference at my church and on the first night, the message was about making peace with your place.

I just entered my 34th year of being on this planet and over these 3+ decades I’ve experienced and learned a lot about me and more importantly, about what I want. However, I have to admit that I spent the majority of those years not appreciating myself and the godly gifts that I already had and instead spent more time, almost obsessing about the things I didn’t have that others around me did have such as better clothes, nicer bodies, more friends, and that junior high diabolical desire; popularity. Oh, if only 14 year old could’ve hopped in a time machine to now and see that all of those things were not all what they cracked up to be.

One of the decisions you can make in your life, to me, is to not spend even one iota of time comparing yourself to somebody else. You should always strive to live a content life and learn to love and appreciate all the things that you do have in this life, because comparison is a thief of making peace with your place.

“Comparison is the death of joy.” – Mark Twain

I’m a warrior for people living a happy life and encouraging others, too. So, stop with the comparisons and focus on the people, places, and things that brings joy to your life.

My moment of complete contentment.

Recently, I rediscovered my love of drawing and sketching. I feel so content and happy with my place those times when I’m laying in bed, free-hand sketching whatever comes to mind with one of my guilty-pleasure podcasts that I love listening to at night. In that moment, I’m not thinking out any upcoming bills, filled to the brim inboxes, and I’m definitely not scrolling through Instagram looking about people post visually pleasing pictures of the things they want you to see.

I’m so glad that social media wasn’t a thing when I was in school. No telling how broken my self-esteem would’ve been then and probably now and for that I’m grateful and at peace with my place.

Can you say that you are peace with your current place in life? Either way, share below and we can continue to strive together.

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