MORNING MINUTE: OGX Penetrating Oil Renewing Argan Oil of Morocco | STAINED COUTURE
Here in Memphis, it's been raining everyday for the past week and today is the first day in a while in which I didn't have to ponder wearing rain boots AND I didn't have to put my hair in a high bun. One product that my hair has been loving, rain or shine, is OGX's Renewing Argan Oil of Morocco. A small drop of this rubbed in your hands will instantly refresh your hair; natural, chemical, straight or curly. It instantly penetrates your hair to moisturize and strengthen your hair while making it soft and refreshed. I tend to rub a small drop in my hands and massage it through my hair and put my hair in a bun at night to let the oil do what it does OR apply the same small amount in my hair as soon as I wash my hair and let it air dry before I flat iron my hair. Plus, I apply a little as a finisher after my hair as been styled. Needless to say, I get my money's worth with this bottle, as will you. Stay Stylish!