My Little Fabulous and Shiny Black Pony | STAINED COUTURE
The older you get, the more understanding you are when it comes to to realizing things, such as there is no such thing as rainbows with pots of gold at the end and despite what Tumblr posts says, there are no such things as actually unicorns. Although, I still have my fingers crossed for both. Well, I can add having these Christian Louboutin Glamafrange Leather Boots to the list of things that I've come to realization that I won't be getting anytime soon, if ever. The link that directs me to their awesomeness has been kicking in my bookmarks for about a month now and I think I finally let it be free and be introduced to someone who might actually be able to buy them and look fab in the process. Be free my little pony looking boots and encourage someone to drop the major duckets on you to have you live in their, in sure, exquisite closet. Stay Stylish!