PMD Personal MicroDerm System | STAINED COUTURE
A couple of months ago, I received this Personal Microdermabrasion system to test out. I've had microdermabrasion sessions in the past and they were amazing and I felt and saw and instant change n my skin. However, they can become pricey over time. So, to know that there is now an system that you use at home is pretty amazing. The PMD Personal Microderm System is a handheld microdermabrasion tool to help smooth away the signs of aging. The results are definitely on a professional level. After the first use, I instantly felt and saw results in the smoothness of my skin and the overall look. The kit comes with the microdermabrasion handheld tool, 2 caps(small and large), 2 green pads, 4 blue pads, and a DVD that you should definitely before using. The DVD thoroughly explains how to use the system and techniques and which pads work for you. With this uber-hot summer weather and my desire to need smoother skin to feel comfortable enough to wear minimal makeup, this microdermabrasion kit is a summer skin necessity for me. I HIGHLY recommend you add one of these systems to your beauty regimen. Stay Stylish!