Halloween is pretty much the doormat to the holiday season. Now, we are entering into November for Thanksgiving and then Christmas will be right around the corner, because December tends to run up to you real quick with a sucker punch.
This month, I’m starting to gravitate more black fashion pieces rather than brown and you will be able to see it in this month’s LHL. Plus, now that the sweaty summer is over, I’m starting to take some extra time in the morning to do my makeup instead of just some undereye concealer, mascara, and powder. So, I’m starting to visit makeup counters more frequently and test drive new products. Also, I need some new make-up brushes, because mine are starting to shed. Ugh.
Not to mention, but I’ve been feeling a little nostalgia toward my junior high days of being obsessed with Memphis rap and bucket bag purses.
So, here are the things I’m lusting for this month!
- Eightball and MJG T-Shirt, $13.99, Blahblahtshirts.com
- Rachel Zoe Kye Drawstring Bag, $315.99, Piperlime.com
- Origins Smarty™ Plants CC SPF 20 Complexion Corrector, $35, Sephora
- Vince Sonia High Heel Booties, $475, ShopBop.com
- Make An Entrance Clutch, $59, Sephora
Stay Stylish!