Ways I’ve Learned to Relax At Work

For the past few months I’ve been experimenting with things and actions that help me; mentally, physically, and emotionally. As a person who has mild anxiety, I’m always looking to embrace actions that can help me relax and focus. One of the main places I need these actions the most is at work.

My career isn’t very fast-paced and nor does it require me to always be on the go. Actually, my responsibilities are pretty lax for the majority of the time. However, there are a few moments in the week when an unexpected assignment falls into my lap and/or inbox that requires my attention ASAP. As a person who works with well order and preparation, these impromptu stress sessions can be strenuously overwhelming.

Unfortunately, drinking water, deep breaths, and quick yoga stretches at my desk can only do so much. Therefore, I’ve created an arsenal of tactics that I use on the regular to help me relax at work and wanted to share them in case one of you find yourself a little stressed out at work, too.

Proper Planning

I’m an avid support of making lists. It’s probably one of the easiest ways you can stay organized and less stressed out about daily tasks. About an hour before I leave each day, I wrap what ever I’m working on prepare for the next work day.

I also clean up my desk area by making sure everything is nicely stacked and back in it’s rightful place. This also includes taking my coffee mug and water bottle to the kitchen to clean.

The objective of doing all of this is so that when the next time I come to work, I can ease myself back into what I was working on the previous workday and without feeling too overwhelmed. Plus, who wants to arrive to an unorganized mess? Not me.

Reading Breaks


To help me with my desire to finish reading more books in 2016, I decided that it would be a great idea to keep a couple of books on my desk to read while eating my lunch or whenever I have a small window of nothing to do. However, it has also formed into a way for me to take a break when I’m feeling overwhelmed or unmotivated. Since those can be two very different feelings, I keep a couple of reading options on my desk; a funny, quick read to help relax me and a book to help inspire me on some level.

Currently, the 2 books on my desk are 1 Page At A Time by Adam J. Kurtz and The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene. 1 Page At A Time is more of an activity book than a traditional book that you read. It  designed as daily companion for creatives and features random activities and tasks to help enhance your creative flow, which is why I use it whenever I feel uninspired to write and/or create content.

Get Up

When your 9-5 consists of you mainly sitting for 6-8 a day, then any movement is appreciated. Usually when I’m stressing over trying to finish a project or feel  myself sinking into the abyss of emails, I get up and take a brisk walk from the desk. Usually, I take a bathroom break, go the kitchen area to refill my water bottle, and/or stop by another co-workers office for a quick chat (preferably not work-related). I’m usually back to my desk within a 15-20 minutes and just a little more refreshed and productive.

Fresh Air

I’m one of those people that rarely leaves the office building on my work days, mainly because I don’t have a reason to leave. My office building has a general-style store and restaurant in the lobby. There’s even a branch to the bank that I bank at in the lobby. So, I rarely need to leave through the day. However, there are moments when I know that I need to get away from not only my desk, but the whole office environment. Therefore, I might take a 10 minute walk to Whole Foods for a juice, walk to the nail shop for a mani, or even just go sit in the partial stairwell of the parking garage to play Candy Crush. Just anything to get some fresh air to help clear my mind and de-stress me and this works wonders.

Do you have any ways you relax at work? If so, please share, because you can never know too many.

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  1. I do all of these things too! I also suffer from anxiety and it really helps to have a plan in place. I’ve found that what really helps me outside of work is a little exercise every day. Even a 15 minute walk around my neighborhood helps lower my stress levels and keeps me feeling good throughout the day.

    1. That is so true! I’ve just started to take quick walks around my neighborhood in the morning and/or evening and it really helps me clear my mind and figure stuff, even little things such as what type of salad should I make. LOL. Thanks for sharing, Nikki!

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