All posts by Laytee Samida

Spring Dreaming…YSL T-Strap Sandals

Right now I type, its a dreary, cold, and rainy day here in Memphis and I have to go out in it in less than an hour. Lucky me.

So, to soften the blow or in this case warm the blow of what’s going on outside, I decided to do a little spring dreaming by seeking out a little something that would put a little sunshine in my mind and block the cloudy drizzle that going on outside my office window! More after the jump!

So, let me introduce to you YSL T-Strap sandals! Don’t they just scream, “WTF is Spring?!” Well. maybe not that, but they do exude spring.

This sandal is also available in black, but this sometimes daring chica is feeling the black and white contrast of the white pair. The black is versatile, but the white is HOT!

Stay Stylish!

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Lust-Have List…February 2010

Its just now February?! This year is starting off pretty slow, but maybe it will pick-up. Anyway, new month, new lust-have list! Although this is the list for February and everyone thinks of Valentine’s Day, the items in this list are not my ideas for V-Day gifts, but as usual, things that I’m loving…but I wouldn’t mind getting one of these items for V-Day! Read more to see the full list!

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