Personally, I don’t have a problem with people getting plastic surgery. I don’t know if I ever see myself getting plastic surgery, but still no problem. However, when it comes to plastic surgery, I guess you can say I’m pro choice. I believe the reason I feel this way is, because the stigma and taboo of getting plastic surgery has weakened over the years.
However, there is one thing about the invention and takeover of plastic surgery in pop culture that has irked me beyond belief and has asked me to ponder the following question for a while now. Has plastic surgery killed the ideal of natural “beauty”?
Before there was plastic surgery, there were women who were actually born with large breasts, smooth skin, full lips, and large butts. I know it sounds shocking, right?! However, that seems almost impossible, because when we see an ample lip, bust, or derriere, we tend to make assumptions about enhancements, before being “born with them.”
For example, as soon as someone new hits the media airwaves that has an ample bust or full derriere, the scrunity and questions of “Are they real?” or “Did they look like that before?” start become supporting characters in conversations about them. Also, if someone looks a little different, people start pulling out old pictures and start doing photo comparisons.
Somehow, the invention of plastic surgery has swiped out the possibility of natural endowments and even tricks of the trades such as push-up bras and make-up tricks. Seriously.
One of the new things that, to my shock, is the idea that someone with a large and ample rump must have had fat injected or wearing butt pads. About 11 years ago, when Jennifer Lopez was just getting her foot into the door of mainstream, I read an article about how women were starting to inquire about butt implants. Personally, my little 17 year old mind at the time thought that it was a fad that would die out very soon. Chile, was I wrong. Butt implants are the new “it” thing to have. They are up there with botox!
Anyway, am I the only one that feels this way or have these thoughts. I will definitely admit that I think enhancements first and then I look for signs of natural. What about you?
Stay Stylish!