In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been a smidge MIA for the past couple of days, because the cord on my laptop sparked, melted, and ultimately became completely useless to me. So, as soon as that happened, I hopped on my laptop and used some of the 30 minutes left on its battery to hit up Amazon and order a new one with a 2 day delivery. Well, its been 3 days since I ordered it and it doesn’t even show that it’s been shipped!!!
So, as soon as I finish this rant, I’m going to have to contact Amazon, because this ridiculous. However, while you wait for me to deal with this, take a nice stare at Christian Louboutin’s Pik Pik Pik 120 studded slingbacks. They look as mean as I plan to be with Amazon, but pretty…as I feel.
Stay Stylish!
Stained Couture