I’m a scent-aholic! I adore scents in perfume, body spray, air freshners…whatever. Soooo, I’ve decided that I want to start doing more perfume and cologne pieces (I swoon men’s cologne) whenever I feel the need or the urge and decided to create a new title for it and everything. Likey?
Anyway, the first scent is one from Bath & Body Works called Country Chic. I’m not sure how long it’s been around. I think they debuted the collection sometime this past summer, but I’m just now getting it. The reason I just recently bought it? Oh, you see, everytime I step foot in B&BW I always leave with enough lotions, body sprays, candles, and stuff to keep me smelling liking anyone you want meet or place you want to visit….for years. So, I made a conscious effort to afford that store like the plague for the past few month. Unfortunately, I had to go to the mall this past weekend to get my free birthday gift from Sephora and some other stuff that I didn’t need and told myself that I would just casually walk in B&BW to sniff the new fall candles and bounce empty-handed. Easy to say, hard to do.
So, one of the lotions I bought was Country Chic in the small bottle, just to give a whirl. After less than a week, I’ve finally decided do I love, like, or loathe it. Keep reading to find out.