Give me any time or occasion to buy flowers for my home, I will do it! Actually, I’m one of those people that will buy flowers just because I’m having a bad day and/or Kroger has a very beautiful and affordable bouquet of bright flowers. I’m supposed to buy them…right? Well, I usually do and I’m totally fine with that. However, keeping “fresh” flowers can become a little to tedious and pricey.
Well, I have some quick tips (some you might already know or don’t) that will help you preserve the your flowers a little longer and stretch your floral budget. I can’t wait until I get to the financial point in my life where I have a “floral budget”! Is that even real? I don’t know, but I can’t wait to find out. Tip time!
- Aspirin – This is an old tried and true tip. It is known and practiced of dropping one aspirin in your flower water to help expand the life span of your flowers by even up to 3-5 extra days, because they help kill the bacteria.
- Prune the leaves – Before you place the stem in the water, remove the leaves. The leaves makes the water dirty and at times, can carry bacteria into the water that cuts the life span of your flowers dramatically.
- Change The Water – This is kind of carrying on from the previous tip. Just like most living things, flowers need water, to flourish and sustain, and preferably clean water. So every other day or when you notice the water is getting dirty, empty the dirty water, rinse the vase, and add some fresh water (don’t forget the first tip above.)
- Warm Water – Water is very important and not only does the water need to be clean, but also warm as the room temperature.
- Trim – Every time you change your water, trim the stem a bit to help the flower to get more water.
- Chill – Keep your flowers fresh by keep them out of heat and direct sunlight. Also, place them in the fridge overnight to keep them nice and cool.
These were just a few tips that I’ve heard about, tried, and found to be true. So, reference this list next time you have some fresh flowers to spruce up your home.
Stay Stylish!