Browsing Category: Hair

Organizing: My Hair Tackle Box

Last night, I was prepared to pin curl my hair, but in order to do that I had to dig through the the little white plastic basket that I jam with my random hair accessories. At that moment, I was over the little corner of disorganization on my hair shelf and felt like no time was better than to snap that in the bud. Keep reading to see photos of my organization process to tackle this mess.

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Spring Fling with Tasha Accessories

I prefer freezing than sweating and I thing my curvy body looks better in warm fitted clothes. So, I like the winter and I love when it snows. However, today in Memphis and most of the midwest and south east, we are experiencing a “nice” winter weather storm filled with freezing rain, sleet, and snow. It was nice to be able to stay home and not have to go to work and instead lounge around in sweats, but I’m almost over the winter and can’t wait for spring.

Since I’m trying to a put a rush order on spring, I found myself browsing around online looking for remenants of spring that would help me ignore the freezing mess that I hear hitting my window as I type. Tasha floral hair accessories definitely did that for me. Read more to see more!

Tasha Flower Hair Clips

I’m loving the look of the floral clips, but the 2 reviews on Nordstrom’s website were not that encouraging, but they are still very pretty. Even the two reviews admitted that!

Tasha Floral Heandbands

However, the floral headband is calling my name, especially the yellow one. It looks so full and just down right uber pretty. I want it. Actually, I think I kind of need it! Okay, I’m gonna buy it! This post did it for me! How about you? Do this make you wish it was spring already?

Stay Stylish!

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Davines is devine!


I don’t know about your hair regimen, but mine begins on Sunday night with a nice shampoo and deep conditioner.  Well, now that weather is finally getting cold, its time to boost the moisture in my hair regimen. In case you didn’t know, your hair becomes drier and more brittle in cold weather. The coolness in the hair literally sucks the moisture out of your hair, which makes your hair dry and brittle and breaks. Never a good look.

So, this weekend I was able to try Davines NouNou Nourishing repair mask for dry and brittle hair and it is so a-mazing. I slathered the olive oil infused mask over  my fresh towel dried hair and left on for 10 minutes and rinsed it out find some lovely, soft, and moisturized locks that I was so stoked to say that they belonged to me! Seriously, my hair felt so lush and luxe!

So, after an additional 10 minutes ogling my hair as it air dried some more, I massaged Davines MOMO cream on my ends and hair. I let that settle in then proceeded to give myself my weekly press and curl!I swear, every curl that unraveled from my ceramic curling iron was breath-taking, bouncy, shiny, and soft to touch! Not only that, but kept my hair frizz free the entire night.  I was tossing my hair all night for no absolute reason!

Anyway, I’m not super shocked that Davines took to my hair so well, because they had a previous encounter/relationship.This summer, Davines Refreshing Shampoo did wonders washing out all the products I used to keep my naturally curly dos work.

What I can say, Davines does wonders for my hair and I’m sure it will do the same for yours.

Stay Stylish!

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