Browsing Category: Fashion

Shop Pink…PRVCY Premium Denim


Last week, I received a wonderful gift from PRVCY premium denim of a pair of their Santa Monica Scarlet bootcut jeans! (Thanks, Marquice!) As I was visualizing what I was going to wear with them, I was reading the material that was included in the box and was impressed to find out that PRVCY donates up to 10% of ALL their sales to breast cancer awareness and free mammogram programs.
This is in part to CEO/founder Carolyn Jones, who started the company through the last days of her mother’s battle with breast cancer. Her mother gave her the strength and encouragement to follow her dreams and it lead her to create PRVCY Premium denim and Privacy Wear.
I love this story and the outcome, because PRVCY jeans are incredible! I love them hardcore! Plus, I love Privacy Wear’s tees. I own 3 of the “I Want More Privacy” tees.
Visit PRVCY Premium and Privacy Wear to find out more about the styles available and where you can purchase them.
Stay Stylish!

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Coat of the Moment…Hydraulic Pleated A-Line Coat

Hydraulic Pleated Toggle Coat

Saturday, I finally cracked down and bought a new red peacoat. I’ve been needing a new one for the past couple of years. I grabbed it for $70 bucks at Macy’s thanks to their one-day sale they seem to have about twice a month.
Although, I knew that I needed and wanted a peacoat, when I saw this fabulous pleated A-Line by Hydraulic coat for curvy girls, I almost switched up my new coat game plan and grabbed this one. However, I know I needed a new red peacoat. So, I hurtfully clicked away from the page and threw the peacoat in the cart and went along my way.
Still, this coat is a-dorable! Its hard to find cute coats for my fellow curvy girls, but when we do see one…it’s AMAZING!
Stay Stylish!

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Juicy Couture Rule Breaker Tote

Personally, I can never have enough totes. They just work so great for me and my “bag lady” syndrome. I carry way too much stuff at all times. However, I can’t believe that I don’t own one stone/light grey tote or bag for that matter. Unbelievable! I think I need to change that by grabbing this distressed leather tote by Juicy Couture called the Rule Breaker. The crinkled leather and plenty of pockets just made it’s way to my personal Christmas wish list!
Stay Stylish!

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Coat of the Moment: Rachel Rachel Roy Transfourmer Coat


It’s that time of the year on Stained Couture…Coats of the Moment! I swoon coats and feel so fabulous with one warming up my cold days. So, here is the first entry into this season’s Stained Couture coat of the moment- The Transfourmer Coat by Rachel Rachel Roy.

The Transfourmer Coat is the staple coat for any recessionista. With one purchase you can wear it four different ways. You can wear it as a fab skirted dress coat, cropped jacket or take the sleeves off for a cropped or long vest. All that for under a $200! Can’t beat that this season and economic times.

Plus, its by freaking Rachel Rachel Roy! When its released on November 5th, ya’ll better grab one!

Stay Stylish!

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