Browsing Category: Shoes

Deena & Ozzy Colorblock Wedges


Wedges that are colorblocked? Sign me up, Deena & Ozzy! I first spotted the purple ones and thought “Wow, those would look great for a night on the town!” Then, when I saw the slate and black ones, I thought “I so need those in my arsenal of shoes.”

I’m in limbo about which pair to score. I would love to buy both, but my wallet and growing Christmas list said “No.”

Either way, I need to choose a pair…and soon.

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Louboutin Straratata

Here I was, all ready for winter to sweep through with all its cold weather so I could indulge in warm cozy sweaters and boots. However, leave it to Christian Louboutin to have me almost immediately forget about snuggly smocks and instead about spring and summer garbs.
Aren’t these Louboutin Straratata freaking hot?! When I saw these, all I wanted to do was shave my legs, shine them up with some oil, and strut in the shortest shorts my figure would allow me. Unfortunately, not as short as I would like.
Anyway, the multicolored suede straps and sole just plateaued my want for summer to return. Time to go say a little prayer for rush order seasonal weather.
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Velvet Angels’ Whiskey A Go Go boots


One of the hardest things to find is a pair of fly red booties. The ones I tend to find are super simple and clean line or they have a ridiculously high heel/platform that look super slutty/hooker-ish.

Well, I spotted these red Whiskey A Go Go booties by Velvet Angels and I instantly started fawning. I know some of you might be turning your nose the faux croc red skin, but I love it paired with the stacked wood heel and platform. I guess you can say it softens the blow!

Although, I’m already imagining the dream scenarios the red boots are going to star in my dream, I’m also loving the black and natural, also! Especially the natural, because I feel you can never have too many natural shoes!

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Swooning for…J. Aldridge Tall Wedge Lace Boot

I am really into boots this season! Tall, short, flat, or heeled. I need as many boots as my closet has room for.
Well, Jane Aldridge of Sea of Shoes just released her second collection with Urban Outfitters, which includes these tall wedge lace boots that are really spectacular to me.
I love the old romantic feel to them as well as the contrasting of the two colors. I’m yearning for these boots!
By the by, if you haven’t stopped by Jane’s uber fashion editorial-esque pictures filled site, Sea of Shoes, then you definitely are not in the loop! Plus, she was on last night’s episode of The City and featured in the upcoming issue of Elle.
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And Cute To Bootie


Have you ever seen something and knew that it needed to become part of your life? Dress? Shade of lipstick? Man? Whatever. Despite you knowing you need it in your life, you are unaware as to why you need it.
Well, that’s how I feel about these And Cute To booties I spotted at They are a mix of a specator and retro saddle shoes and I feel a smidge bit incomplete, because they are not safely nesting in my closet right now so I can grab them in the morning to wear. Sad, but true. I want them. Do, you?
Stay Stylish!

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