Nail Buds


I’m a sucker for a cute product in a cute package and that sucker syndrome got me to buy these Nail Buds this morning at the drugstore across the street from my job.

Nail Buds are a handy pack of “go-to” mini nail files that look a like pack of matches. Yes, the cute factor. Mine were only 99 cents, but I they are really great quality to nail files. Since they do come in the same size package as a envelope of matches, they are not that big, but are perfect for filing away snags and quick shape-ups.

There are 24 in a pack and are a great addition to the bottom of your purse for when you need them! Look around online or a local drugstore for Nail Buds.

Stay Stylish!

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Holiday Gift Guide…E.L.F Makeup 50% Off


For the past few years, there is always one box under the Christmas tree from me to my little sister that she instantly looks for, finds, and shakes to hear for rattling. If she hears the rattling, then she already knows its my annual gift to her…a box filled with makeup!
She loves makeup! So, I always try and give her a box of various makeup and brushes. I tend to put in about 50 pieces of makeup, brushes/applicators, and maybe a cosmetic bag in the box and all of it comes from E.L.F!
In case you are living under a drab rock, E.L.F is a cosmetic line that got its fame and glory by offering high quality makeup for a $1. Now, they still have $1 makeup, but they have grown over the years to offer other items that are just a couple bucks more, but still great quality. Actually, E.L.F’s affordable makeup and wide selection is what gave me the idea to create this little annual gift and I love that my sister looks for it every year and this year will be no exception.
E.L.F. is currently offering a Buy 1 get the second half off promotion. Needless to say this is just the right time for me to gather up the items I want to add to this year’s beauty box for my sister. Time to go order $75 worth of E.L.F cosmetics, because $75 equals FREE SHIPPING which are my favorite words this time of year!

Stay Stylish!

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Velvet Angels’ Whiskey A Go Go boots


One of the hardest things to find is a pair of fly red booties. The ones I tend to find are super simple and clean line or they have a ridiculously high heel/platform that look super slutty/hooker-ish.

Well, I spotted these red Whiskey A Go Go booties by Velvet Angels and I instantly started fawning. I know some of you might be turning your nose the faux croc red skin, but I love it paired with the stacked wood heel and platform. I guess you can say it softens the blow!

Although, I’m already imagining the dream scenarios the red boots are going to star in my dream, I’m also loving the black and natural, also! Especially the natural, because I feel you can never have too many natural shoes!

Stay Stylish!

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Holiday Gift Guide 2009… Paris Sleep Mask


Sometimes the smallest gift can make someone super happy, because its just right for them. Case in point, this Mary Green Paris Sleep mask looks super luxe and would be a perfect gift for that “diva” or “princess” on your list that has big dreams that involve them taking over Paris one day! I think every girl at some point in their life wonders what it would be like to live the life of a Parsian. Well, I know I have!


Anyway, you can grab this beautiful eye mask at Urban Outfitters for $24.

Stay Stylish!

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