“Good Morning, Lovely!” is what should’ve been the first thing you saw when you open my revived newsletter that I sent out this morning!
Yes, after an extra-long hiatus, I’m back to send out weekly newsletters. They have a name; Monday Minute and they should hit your inbox every Monday morning. Keep reading for more reasons to sign-up and a peak into what was in today’s newsletter.
Monday’s can be a little rough for some, including me. For example, this morning, I overslept for the first time in a long time and didn’t have time to do my normal morning routine. So, after leaping out of bed, I only had time to brush my teeth, wash my face, get dressed, and dart out the door. This morning, I left the house with no makeup on my face nor tumbler full of coffee in my hand. However, I did find enough time to stop for coffee and a quick bite to eat before work. #WontHeDoIt
Another thing I was able to do was send out the return of Stained Couture’s newsletter. However, some things have changed. Since they are going to be brief, I’ve renamed them the “Monday Minute” newsletter. The contents will be different, but always in line with the content that I would post on this site.
In today’s newsletter, I share all the details on this tote (below) which is reversible, available in over 10 color options, and under $70 each. Amazing, right? If you want to find out where you can get this tote and exclusive content in future newsletter, sign-up now!