I don’t know about your neck of the woods, but here in Memphis right now, the weather is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! It partly cloudy and it’s in the mid to upper 50s! It sure as hell beats that zero degree wind chill from a couple of weeks ago.
Although the cold might be taking a break, I’m sure the dry winter skin is still lingering on some of you lovely readers.
If so, then you might be interested in this product review by Stained Couture Beauty Editor, Beautylishus a.k.a Joy, about an interesting ointment in her latest feature of “Brushing Up with Beautylishus”!
Read more see what Beautylishus had to say about Dr. Hess Udder products. I think I might need to try these out, myself!
A few months ago, the kind and lovely people of Dr. Hess’ sent resident beauty junkie, Beautylishus, some samples of their udder products. Check out her reviews for each product below!
Dr. Hess’s Udder Ointment for Dry Skin
Stats: 6. oz/www.Udderointment.com
What it claims: It was initially created for cows (hence, the term udder) whose heels were causing them pain to produce milk, cheese, etc. This product was said to make the cows feet feel better.
What it did: This was “udderly” impressive! When it comes to lotions, creams, moisturizers and what not I am one hard person to please, because I have excema, dandruff, dry skin, etc. As soon as i got out of the shower and put this on my feet i could tell that this product was about business! The only negative thing i’d have to say is that the smell reminds you of a pretty version of bengay. Its not very heavy but noticeable. After its applied to the skin, the smell is almost non-existing, its just turns into a “refreshing type of scent.
Final Words: This is a HGP product! Go GET IT!
Rating: I give this product a 10!
Dr. Hess’s Udder Stick
Stats: .15 oz/www.UdderOintment.com
What it claims:To protect, smooth lips with a built in sunscreen formula.
What it did: This product is a MUST-HAVE! It is not greasy at all, but it does give you a luscious natural sheen. The only negative is that it does not penetrate like Carmex does, but it does last longer. I have used this product DAILY and the product does not seemed to have diminished at all. Long-lasting products truly are the best!
Final Words:If you want baby booty soft kissable lips then this product is a must have!
Rating: i give this product a 9
Dr. Hess’s Udder Ointment for Baby Butts
Stats: 2 oz/www.UdderOintment.com
What it claims: To smooth and help relieve diaper rash.
What it did: My little angel loves to surprise me by showing my how quickly he can fill up a diaper. I promise his quickest time is like 20 minutes and then he’s soaked. Well luckily, when i received this product he developed diaper rash so I was able to use this on him. I put it on him before he wet to bed and the next morning there was no sign of diaper rash in sight! Even though the packaging is not that convenient when working with one had its still great nevertheless!
Final Words: If you are sick of the smell of A&D Ointment or you are tired of looking like you baked a cake because of the baby powder and your baby develops diaper rashes often or even if its just every now ad the, this product is a diaper bag essential!
Rating: I give this product a 8
If you are interested in purchasing any of the products from Dr. Hess mentioned or see what else the have, then visit their website
Stay Stylish!

Hey Samida!
Your site is great 🙂
Thanks for deploying Swagly Widget on the page, and I love your content. I’ll recommend your page to my friends too 🙂
Stay “Stylish”
Edward 🙂