Browsing Category: Skincare

Biore’ UV Aqua Rich Sunscreen Review

Biore’ UV  Aqua Rich Sunscreen Review

Biore' UV Aqua Rich Sunscreen | STAINED COUTURE

If you have been around here for a minute, then you should know that I’m an SPF girl. I’m definitely not one of those people that forget to wear sunscreen, because it’s the star of my morning skincare routine. Even if I would forget to apply some before leaving my apartment, I wouldn’t be without some for long. I keep a tube of sunscreen in my car, purse, and even on my desk at work. However, I don’t think I wiill ever have enough and I’m always down to try a new one.

I recently received Biore’ UV Suncreen and have been trying it for about a month now. So, I think it’s time to give my review of these Biore’ sunscreens. Keep reading for my thoughts.

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