Browsing Category: Clothes

Coat of the Moment…Hydraulic Pleated A-Line Coat

Hydraulic Pleated Toggle Coat

Saturday, I finally cracked down and bought a new red peacoat. I’ve been needing a new one for the past couple of years. I grabbed it for $70 bucks at Macy’s thanks to their one-day sale they seem to have about twice a month.
Although, I knew that I needed and wanted a peacoat, when I saw this fabulous pleated A-Line by Hydraulic coat for curvy girls, I almost switched up my new coat game plan and grabbed this one. However, I know I needed a new red peacoat. So, I hurtfully clicked away from the page and threw the peacoat in the cart and went along my way.
Still, this coat is a-dorable! Its hard to find cute coats for my fellow curvy girls, but when we do see one…it’s AMAZING!
Stay Stylish!

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