LINK-END ROUND-UP: March 18, 2016

link-end round-up


This week was kind of a long, drawn-out blur, because I don’t remember much that happen and what did happened seemed like it happened weeks ago. I guess this week was very…eh. The weather this weekend is supposed to be amazing enough to write home about…or at least Instagram worthy shots. So, there’s that.

I’m setting a small challenge for myself this weekend to not spend any money. Not one dirty penny. I’ve been experimenting with my habits and ways I can improve or if they are bad, eliminate them. The main habits I’ve been focusing on is my health and finances, which have both been an uphill struggle for me in the past. However, since I’ve been doing a lot of self-assessing, those things have been getting better. For example, I lost 10 pounds over the past month or so just by changing my eating habits. No exercise, just omitting bad things, eating healthier, and being more conscious about what I eat. It’s definitely a lifestyle change that pays off over time. Now that weather is acting right, I’m going to add cardio/walking to the mix and sit back and see how that helps. I think I’m going to cover more of that in this week’s newsletter. FYI – you can sign-up for that via the form in the sidebar.

All in all, I’m happy, (a little) healthier,and hopeful about my life and you should, too. Have an awesome weekend and enjoy this week’s.


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