Link-End Round-Up

Another Friday and another Link-End Round-Up!

This week went by fast, well it feels like it to me. Although, I was still overwhelmed with a a lot of work-related stuff, I found was to help calm me and stressed-induced increase of my blood pressure. One thing I did was bring a book that was just easy to read, but also funny. Laughing is one of the best remedies for stress. The book I chose was Mindy Kaling’s Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?, which she released and I bought years ago. However, I never finished it, as usual.

So, whenever I need a break from staring at the computer screen while typing manic-like, I take a quick 5 minute breather by reading a chapter from the book. This quick technique has helped me immensely this week.

I only have one mission this weekend: Buy a new sofa! My current sofa is very outdated and not in that retro chic vibe. No, girl, this is just old looking in all in all it’s dingy tan glory. So, hopefully, I will be moving that one to the curb (literally!) and replacing it with a newer and cuter sofa. I would love to get a bright colored or velvet sofa, but I’m not sure how well my sister would like it or more importantly just how long I will like it. I change my mind a lot, because well…ovaries!

In the meantime, here are some things and reads that rocked my world this week. Enjoy!

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