LINK-END ROUND-UP: August 11, 2023

LINK-END ROUND-UP: August 11, 2023


Happy Friday, folks! I know I know most people always look forward to Friday – me, included. However, I’m extra excited because today is my last Fridy before my vacation. So, I’m probably staying late to work to make sure I tie up all my loose ends. Doing this will help prevent anxiety and allow me to enjoy my long overdue vacation.

I don’t leave until Wednesday, which gives me time to relax before the vacation. Honestly, I tell everyone you need to take a couple days off before vacation and before going back to work. Use the pre-trip days to pack, beauty maintenence appointment, and clean before leaving. Coming back to a clean home always hits. The only maintenence appointment I have is a nail appointment on Tuesday.I rescheduled my hair appointment to the Saturday after I get back. I didn’t want pool and ocean water messing up my color touch-up.

This weekend, I plan to deep clean my apartment and finalize what I’m bringing. Since this is going to be a short beach vacation – the less stuff the better. While I’m trying to get my life and home together this weekend, check out the links in this week’s Link-End Round-Up. I’m still trying to figure out if I want to do a funny away message or not.

LINK-END ROUND-UP: August 11, 2023

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