LINK-END ROUND-UP: December 16, 2016

link-end round-up december 16, 2016

I hope you had a nice and relaxing week. Also, thanks for stopping by for this week’s edition of this Link-End Round-Up. Just like last week, this was a three day workweek. Although I was happy with my perfectly strategic technique to get the most out of these extra vacation days, it was very rushed. I have some self-imposed deadlines to finish by the end of the year. So, I had a lot of stuff to cram into three days.

I plan to spend the most of my weekend binge-watching holiday movies and special Christmas episodes of my favorite shows. Chill mode.

In the meantime, stop next week the final holiday, 2016 beauty wrap and end of the year round-up. See you next week and enjoy this week’s of Link-End Round-Up.

LINK-END ROUND-UP: December 16, 2016

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