LINK-END ROUND-UP: July 1, 2016

link-end round-up

It’s Friday, the first day of a new month, and Link-End Round-Up! What’s a better way to start a new month that with…A THREE DAY WEEKEND! Woot, woot!

Most of us in the US have a three day weekend thanks to the Independence Day falling on a Monday this year. FYI, I love the 4th of July! It’s always a chill day of hanging out with friends and family, seeing fireworks, and indulging on BBQ and booze. I will definitely be partaking in the latter, because 2 of my co-workers and I are going to do the Daniel Fast together. When I did the fast a few months ago, I felt so much better afterwards and it helped me improve and other aspects of my life. Unfortunately, after getting sick and injuring myself, I slowly slid back to some of my older habits. So, I’m going to strive for more this time around.

In the meantime, I hope you all have a great and enjoyable weekend. See ya’ll on Tuesday! Yes, I’m taking Monday off completely.

LINK-END ROUND-UP: July 1, 2016

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