LINK-END ROUND-UP: June 10, 2016

link-end round-up 6-10-16

It’s Link-End Round-Up time, which also means it the beginning of the weekend! I don’t know about you, but I’m so glad that the weekend is finally here, because my week was all over the place. I had to deal with a hectic schedule and many emotions this week that ranged from sad, stressed, and exhausted.

There were many moments this week when I felt overwhelmed with past events, current situations, and future endeavors. However, when it comes things and thoughts like those, I don’t dwell on them for too long. It’s just not healthy to have heavy things weigh down on your spirit. Instead, in those moments, I chose to reflect on positive things and happy feelings. Works every time!

My main plan for this weekend is to avoid having to deal with the humidity is suppose to linger around the city this weekend. So, my AC is going to be blowing! I will also try to take some time to clean some more things out of my spare bedroom. Every I have the energy to just grab things and throw them out, I’m not at home. Fingers crossed that I will have the urge at some point this weekend, because I would really love to turn that bedroom into an at-home office/workspace.

Turning my spare bedroom into a workspace has been something I’ve wanted to do for years and have been putting off for the same amount of time. There’s a lot of stuff in that bedroom that can get be donated. So, that’s what I’m going to sort out first. I can make plans, but putting the plans into motion is my problem. I’m working in on it, though.

I hope you will enjoy this week’s Link-End Round-Up, because it’s very reflective of things that are on my mind and to-do list. Have an awesome weekend and see ya’ next week!

LINK-END ROUND-UP: June 10, 2016

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