LINK-END ROUND-UP: May 13, 2016

link-end round-up may 13, 2016


It’s Friday the 13th and here’s this week’s edition of Link-End Round-Up.

I chuckle when I think back to my childhood and Friday the 13th was a legit spooky day and make sure I didn’t step on any cracks, because you know…I didn’t want to break my mama’s back. Remember that?

I hope everyone had a great week and it went by as fast as mine. I did a lot reflecting and refocusing on my business this week. Ugh. There might be some slight rebranding coming up for Stained Couture and I do mean slight. So slight, you might not even notice, but it’s coming. Actually, it’s more of revert than a rebrand. Still, more on that in the near future.

Here’s to a calming and relaxing weekend and I will chat with ya’ll next week!

LINK-END ROUND-UP: May 13, 2016

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