LINK-END ROUND-UP: October 7, 2016

link-end round-up october 7, 2016

Hey! Welcome to this week’s Link-End Round-Up, which I just realized is the first one of October. Did you know that Christmas is less than 80 days away? Say what?! That’s less than 3 months away. As fast as the past few months have gone by, it’s probably going to roll up on us any minute now. Either way, I’m ready!

Yesterday I woke up to my head dripping non-stop. Allergies suck! On my way to work yesterday, I had to swing by Walgreens and pick up some Claritin. My eyes were watering so bad that I couldn’t take it anymore. In hindsight, one of the best things I bought all week. Actually, it’s one of the only non-food or gas thing I bought this week, because I have been very frugal. Trying to make more and save more money. It’s starting to become a lifestyle. One of my biggest accomplishments over the past few weeks is taking only 2 trips to Target and both trips I spent less than $50. One of those trips, I only spent only about 7 bucks! In the past, it’s been hard for me to spend less than $100 at Target. So, this was big milestone thanks to all my personal smart shopping hacks, especially when it comes to Target. I’ll share those in an upcoming newsletter. I gotchu!

I hope ya’ll had a great weekend and have a lovely weekend. Hopefully, my allergies won’t keep me locked in all weekend and I can go enjoy some of this awesome fall weather we’ve been experiencing. See you next week and enjoy this week’s Link-End Round-Up!

LINK-END ROUND-UP: October 7, 2016

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