LINK-END ROUND-UP: September 2, 2016

link-end round-up september 2 2016

Yep. I’m in full fall mode after just one day of September! Well, not quite full Fall mode, because I refuse to take Starbucks up on their offer to get a PSL this earlier this year. Seriously, Starbucks? Chill out. The leaves are still green and on the trees, for goodness sake! Anyway, here is the first Link-End Round-Up of September 2016! Let’s get it!

I’ve been feeling so motivated these past couple of days, because this week started off a little irregular for me. On Monday and Tuesday, I had to get up on at 4am (2 hours earlier than usual) in order to get ready for work and help my brother handle some business before I had to be in the office at 9. I am most productive when I go to sleep around the time everyday and wake-up at the same time every morning. So much so, my body wakes me every morning. No alarm clock is needed in my life and I love that. However, even missing a couple of hours of sleep can throw off my day and it did.

On Wednesday, I was still feeling the effects of those two irregular days and not to mention I had quite the workload in my inboxes (Yes, inboxes. multiple inboxes.). So, I downloaded a meditation app and after a quick 5 minute meditation session before bed, I felt instantly relaxed and calm. Since then, I’ve been back on and getting plenty of stuff done, including things I’ve been procrastinating on doing for months. Actually, the latter can be attested to me signing up for Courtney Saunders of Think & Grow Chick’s “No Excuses Woman 21 day Self-Discipline” Course. Today is only Day 2, but I’ve already learned so much and gotten so on track with my goals. I’m so excited for this course. FYI, I’ve never signed up for a paid course, but this one seemed too perfect and designed for me and my goals. Investing in myself is something I’m trying to do more besides effective skincare treatments and products.

Oh snap, I just remembered that it’s Labor Day weekend! Oh, how I need a three-day weekend right about now. I don’t know exactly what I’m going to do, but all I hope to do is be able to enjoy it. So, see ya next week and have a great weekend! Keep reading to see this week’s link-end round-up reads.

LINK-END ROUND-UP: September 2, 2016

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