LINK-END ROUND-UP: September 30, 2016

link-end round-up september 30, 2016

Wow, can you believe that this is the last day of September?! This month passed by super fast, not to mention that I can’t remember much about August, too. Well, I did find the time to get this week’s Link-End Round-Up together, which I’m very proud of considering my mind has been all over the place.

I don’t know if it was the culmination of me reaching another year combined with me binge reading content on securing your dreams and future, but I finally got the motivation I needed to end this year on high note. I had to trick my mind into thinking that my back is against the wall and I have to come out swinging at any obstacle in the way. Crazy thing about it, the main thing I had to swing at was a mirror, because I was the one holding myself back. I had to realize that I’ve been afraid for far too long and that’s going to lead no where except to a field of dreams and regrets, which neither of them can pay your bills. Okay!!

Oh, I don’t know if you noticed, but I have blogged everyday (excluding weekends, of course) for the past 2 weeks! I’ve been really enjoying creating and sharing content with you all. I’ve been wanting to be more consistent with creating and I finally figured out how, which I will share in my next newsletter. Speaking of the newsletter, check out the newsletter sign-up banner in the sidebar. I love it, because it will hopefully make it easier and a little more enticing for others to sign-up. If you haven’t signed-up, I suggest you do, because I’m preparing some giveaways for the upcoming holiday season, which will require you to sign-up. So, go ahead and get that out of the way. 🙂

Let me wrap this up, because I’m up super early getting some things done before work and I still have more things to do. They are exciting things to do, which I will hopefully be able to share before the year is out. In the meantime, check out some of the interesting things I read online this week and see ya’ next week!

LINK-END ROUND-UP: September 30, 2016

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