Sunglasses For…Round Faces

Shopping for sunglasses is almost like shopping for bras. When shopping for either, we have an idea of what looks right or fits, but in the end, we just buy what looks cute and fits. However, that’s not really a good method for shopping for either.

When you have the right size and style of bra, it compliments everything else, including your outfit, posture, and overall look. Well, the same can be said for sunglasses. When you know what style of sunglasses fits you, it will compliment everything else. So, I’ve decided to do a little series about which types of sunglasses work for each face shape and why not start with my face shape….ROUND!

Don’t get me wrong, I love me some me, but I’m not too fond of my round face. It’s cute and helps in throwing people off on my age, but there are just some things that my face hinders me and my preferred style. Off the top of my head…bangs. I would love to have some straight edge bangs every now and then without feeling like I look like a chubby chinese geisha. My eyes aren’t that wide either, but that’s another story. Still, it made it hard for me to find sunglasses that worked for me and not make my head look wider or chubbier. Eventually, I was able to find sunglasses that not only fit my round face, but complimented me and made me look fabulous…in my opinion.

Here are rules from about shopping for sunglasses for round faces:

  • Go for a frame that is wider than you face. Some frames come in different sizes, so opt for the largest frame.
  • Stay away from round frames and opt for angular silhouettes instead. Square and rectangular frames fit the bill.
  • Embellished and branded arms will accent a frame, giving a round face more definition.
  • For guys, solid acetate framework in dark colors and prints will keep things masculine and create a defined outline.
  • Embellishment and gradient lenses in soft ambers and purple hues are ideal mixed with cat-eyed and rectangular frames for a female silhouette.
  • Wayfarer frames hold a unisex appeal with bold prints and colors packing a punch and complimenting a round face.

Stay Stylish!

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