Tag Archives: Nicola Yoon

Daily Shot of Pretty…Nicola Yoon Necklace

I don’t know how your day is going so far, but mine is festering under a sky full of grey clouds and I’m nestled at my desk with a stack of projects to work on and a nasty taste of a chicken biscuit from Burger King that just will not go away for the world. That was the first and last time I order that!

So, needless to say, I needed to find something that would throw a dash of pep in my day and I found that dash and then some when I found this designer’s info hiding near the middle of my inbox! Nicola Yoon makes organic, handmade jewelry out of hand-select gems, crystals and metal to craft some of the most breathtaking and simple pieces of jewelry, including this pink rose swarovski crystal necklace. I love it!

I love how the crystal is not too big or small and the soft flush if pinks just make me fill under girly, although I’ve been trying hard to grow out of that. Either way, I’m going to fawn over this necklace for awhile! So pretty and its making me smile.

Stay Stylish!

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