Changes to Celebrate Earth Day 2015


Today is Earth Day.

The message of Earth Day 2015 is “It’s Our Turn To Lead”. Small changes can make a BIG impact to the betterment of our world.  So, keep reading to see a list of 5 things you can start doing right now that not only help you celebrate earth day, but that you can eventually implement into your life and feel good about…FOREVER.

  • Plant A Tree – The easiest and most beneficial things you can add to the earth.
  • Start Recycling – I will admit that recycling can be hard to get into the habit of doing, especially if you’ve never done it. However, if you start off small by separating cans and plastic, it’ll eventually become second nature.
  • No Plastic Water Bottles – Plastic bottled water consumes huge amounts of fossil fuels to produce and transport, and most of those recyclable water bottles end up in landfills. Instead, buy a refillable and permanent water bottle. They are so affordable! Even your local dollar store carries them. So, you can help your planet and pockets!
  • Buy locally – My favorite Saturday activity is going to one of my local farmers market. The produce is fresh and easy on the environment thanks to the lack of chemicals added to keep produce fresh while transporting it many miles away from the farm where it was grown. So, buy locally to help your environment, local economy, and farmers.
  • Walk More – Cut back on driving so much and go take a walk outside. Instead of driving to the gym to walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes, go for a walk in your neighborhood or local park. Trust me, it feels better and is there a prettier time than springtime to be outside? I think not.

Stay Stylish!

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