Browsing Category: Hair

LUST-HAVE LIST: August 2022

LUST-HAVE LIST: August 2022


I know it’s just the beginning of the month, but I feel like I’ve been telling everyone that I can’t believe that it’s already August. Actually, I feel like I say this every August, because it’s just one of those months that creep up on me. Although it won’t technically be fall until next month, August feels like the warmup for fall. Stores are starting to bring out some of their fall fashions, which I’m ready for.

Currently, here in Memphis, we are still experiencing heat waves. So, I’m not feeling the need or desire to break out the layered looks and boots. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have few online carts starting to fill up with fall-friendly fashion finds. You will actually see a couple of options in this month’s Lust-Have List. Keeping reading to get all the details including why I think I need them ASAP!

LUST-HAVE LIST: August 2022

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5 Favorite Drugstore Shampoos for Curly Hair

Favorite Drugstore Shampoos for Curly Hair

Favorite Drugstore Shampoos for Curly Hair | STAINED COUTURE

In the summer, I try to wear my hair curly as much as possible and this summer has been no different. The heat has been unbearable and it’s been affecting my hair. I’ve been making sure that my hair has been hydrated and moisturized at all times, especially when curly. The most moisturizing shampoos are the ones formulated for curly hair. Curly hair tends to thicker and needs all the the moisture it can get. Therefore, these products are loaded with moisturizing and hydrating ingredients. Luckily, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on these shampoos, because you can find some of the best options in your favorite drugstore.

Keep reading to see my 5 favorite drugstore shampoos for curly hair.

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How To Grow Your Eyebrows Back

I grew up in the 90s, which was one of the most dangerous times for eyebrows. Having super thin and overplucked eyebrows was a thing, which I still can’t believe. How some of still have eyebrows is another thing I can’t believe. However, I’m one of the lucky ones who have tweezed and waxed her eyebrows to the thinnest possible angles and lengths. Yet, I still have eyebrows, thanks the different tips I learned on how to grow your eyebrows back.

Grow Your Eyebrows Back | STAINED COUTURE

Keep reading to find out how I do it.

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