Browsing Category: Read

I Want… Dictionary of Fashion

I have been wanting this book for a long time, but just never got around to it.

The Dictionary of Fashion was written by Christian Dior in the 50s. Obviously, the book will probably be no help to you if you are looking for a reference book to help your dressing sense today, but if you are like me and love to collect fashion related hard cover books, then this might be something you consider picking up.

It looks so retro, too!

Stay Stylish!

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Jessica Szohr covers Teen Vogue


I love Jessica Szohr! See’s definitely a nice calmness to the dram filled Gossip Girl. Unfortunately, I haven’t had the chance to get into GG this season. So, I will start playing  catch-up in the next couple of weeks. Shh, don’t spoil it for me!


However, in the meantime, check out Miss Szohr on the February cover of Teen Vogue. The issue hits stands on January 9th.

Stay Stylish!

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