Browsing Category: Link-End Round-Up



I had a pretty decent week that included me taking a personal day from work on Tuesday. Other than going with my brother to vet to get his new dog spayed, I spent the majority of that rainy day lounging on the sofa and watching Halloween movies. It was pretty perfect.

This weekend is Halloween and the end of Daylight Savings (FYI- Set your clock back on before you to bed on Saturday night.) All this month, I didn’t really do anything Halloween related except eat more candy than needed. However, I plan to tackle the local haunted corn field maze and haunted house, which I haven’t done in a couple of years. So, I’m excited and a little anxious.

Still, I plan to have a great weekend, as should you. In the meantime, here is this week’s Link-End Round-Up:

Have a great weekend!

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This past week was definitely a little off, especially around the office. One of my co-workers somehow lost a day and I feel like I need an extra workday. Weird. However, I was able to get a lot of things squared away in the office. So…I’m taking a personal day today. *Insert cheesy, gloating smile*

I’m going to use this self-imposed 3-day weekend to finish some posts today and work on some of my side projects this weekend since it’s supposed to rain pretty much all weekend. I don’t mind rainy weekends. Actually, I prefer them, because it gives me a reason to stay in the house and catch up on things around the house, while watching shows on my DVR and Netflix. I’m a professional multi-tasker.

Well, here is this week’s Link-End Round-Up:

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Link-End Round-Up


I hope everyone had a great and productive week and plans for an amazing weekend.

I had a lovely work week and look forward to a chilly weekend that involves me going to spend too much money on brand new tires and maybe, going tailgating for the Memphis vs. Ole Miss game Saturday morning. The game starts at 11 and my Tigers are still undefeated. So, needless to say, the tailgating is starting super early, which is right up my alley.

I hope you all have a great weekend, but in the meantime, here is the latest addition of Link-End Round-Up. (FYI – I’m really enjoying sharing these with you all every week!)

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Link-End Round-Up


Last week went by super fast compared to this week. I feel like I had a 6-day work week and that’s not a good feeling.

Therefore, this weekend, I’m going to be very chill, with the exception of a yoga class tomorrow afternoon. I’m trying to amp up my fitness game, which has been horrible. So, hopefully this beginners foundation class will kick me back into overdrive, because I can no longer blame the humid heat of the summer.

Aside, from yoga, I told myself this that I will finally get my desk area together. Currently, it’s tripling as a makeup vanity, work desk, and night stand…basically, it’s just a catchall and that needs to change ASAP!

As usual, I hope everyone has an amazing weekend and to clean out/organize one area in your life; be it a junk draw, bookshelf, linen closet, or even your car. Whew, my car needs a good ol’ bath in holy water, because it is filthy.

In the meantime, here’s the latest Link-End Round-Up

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Recently, I’ve been feeling like my link-end round up is a solution to a puzzle of my brain. One week, you might notice more motivational and productivity posts than style and the next week, I might look like a complete pig thanks to an abundant links about recipes and restaurants.

I have noticed a slight theme about this weeks’ links. Can you guess it? If so, let me know in the comments sections. However, for now, please enjoy this week’s link-end round-up.

Have an awesome weekend!

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