Drawing A Creative Blank Can Be Good


I’m a creative, meaning that I love and thrive on using my mind and energy on creating things such as writing and design and releasing it into the world. Actually, being a creative is probably the core reason that I started blogging, because it allowed me to writing what I want and even be creative with graphic designs for the look of the site (back when I used to hand code. ugh.) and display images. It was so much fun and kept my brain continuously grinding for new ways to express myself and flex my creativity.

Over the past few years, my brain doesn’t churn as much as it used to, especially when it comes to thinking off new ideas. Some of the main reasons for this decline include dealing with unhealthy friendships/relationships, personal issues (my health and my mom passing away), and having a non-creative job (the main reason). Therefore, the creative corner of my mind took a serious hiatus the past 3-4 years. I hit a creative slump and I realized that when it came to blogging and other endeavors, I was constantly drawing a creative blank. I knew that I had to do something about that…ASAP!

At the beginning of this year I decided that I wanted to get that old thing back. So…I did what I usually do when I fall off and lose track of where I’m going…I dusted myself off and started all over again. When I say started all over again, I mean going to Michael’s and buying sketch books and colored and graphite pencils and reverted back to 5 year old me who used to draw and color all the time. Doodling and practicing shading techniques became my past time. After scratching that itch, I decide to test another lane in the creative universe of sewing. When it comes to hand stitching, I’m a ‘G’. However, I need to take a sewing class soon, because my sewing  machine intimidates me. I really wish I could remember how to sew from taking home economic in junior high.


After hitting that blank, making the decision to do something about, and getting my creative mojo back I’ve been in such a happier mental space. Plus, my brain has been churning out so many ideas that I’ve been toying around with for a while that I’m so excited about and can’t wait to share with you all!

In the end, drawing a creative blank was just what I needed to force me to  purge my mind and get back on path.

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